I’ve read about The Salk Institute and it’s transmuting sunrise experiences a few times, but never had a chance to make it there. The Famous building was founded in 1960 by Jonas Salk who developed the polio vaccine and was designed by Louis Kahn in 1965. It employs 850 researchers and although it is an institute, Salk wanted the space to feel like a meditative retreat.
The space is not just photo worthy but tranquil and architecturally really interesting to look at. Some of the reasons, I think, your social feed will thank you:
For starters it overlooks the Pacific Ocean just west of the University of California San Diego, making for a relaxing yet spectacular snap shot view.
The slim flowing river that centers the buildings and runs straight through to water falls at the end of the structures only magnify the balanced design.
Sadly, we could not make sunset but according to Architectural Digest it “is arguably one of architecture’s most transformative experiences”, so we shall be back very soon!
Location: 10010 N Torrey Pines Rd, San Diego, CA 92037
Additional Photographs: Liao Yusheng
Tours: Visiting Salk